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The Very End
S3 licensed
Okay Imo the matchmaking is ****ed too. Often i meet damn clan folks who games 24/7 and ass****s us casuals
The Very End
S3 licensed
If anything it is highly creative
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, shit or not, it is interesting. It's more interesting than most of the latest LFS news.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :haha, they should make it a 2008 Scirocco.

You snooze, you lose.

Haha, I see what you did there bastard!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Why? Trying to lose weight, trying to gain weight, candy, or other reasons for buying that?

Edit: Ooohh, you just bough one -..-
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well ok lol
Btw Mouse, I am only level 2 and I suck at this game it seems. What level are you?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Also, remember to cover up that webcam or people will watch you masturbate

Scrabby plz
The Very End
S3 licensed
Don't you come here saying that is a lie!
Cannot only be me experience that lol!
The Very End
S3 licensed
There is truth in this one:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Whatever it is, or with any elevation changes or not, this thing is the most interesting news for LFS these last year. Actually something new to drive on - myst be 04-05 (S2 launch) since last time? (Oh and blackwood updates aswell as SO6 / open configs are not new tracks)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Whats your name on Steam so I know which friend invite to accept
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :id try it...but i dont have anyone to invite me >_>

Quote from DejaVu :steamid?

He is talking to you Boosted ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
I got an invitation here the other day, and I must say I am pleasant surprised by this game. It's good fun.

Anyone else plays it?
My Steam nick is SnikendeFlyndre (Sneaking Flounder)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from :Don't "survive" but fix the problem permanently. You are just behaving like the rest now, first they need to get sentenced before something structural happens. Endangering races for everybody else.

I'm looking forward on the moment that 'ping' information is included @InSim system. But... Going to take a while I'm afraid.

And your allways as understanding as allways
If I had a choise I would of course do it, what you take me for? Stop beliving everyone is an idiot :/
I am on a sharenet with no possible way to do changes to the network. Even mobile network is not possible here so I am out of options.

Oh and yes, I was looking into the possibility to have an own line, turns out not one single ISP provider can provide anything to me - therfor I have to use the network which is not the best.

So yeah, call me an idiot for that, I am used to hear that. Usually I do not care about such comments, but Iv had enough of your sarcastic tone and allways speaking to me as I am a idiot.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well that sounds quite difficult and I think it's really ok to use the existing web system.

Besides, this is just a quick update I can do for hosts to install if they wish. There is no new patch coming out with new in-game features. I have editor functions and tyre physics to work on.

1) I really can't see a problem with the system I'm coding. A player who joins by mistake with a skin that he forgot to upload is immediately spectated with a simple message. It's not rude, harsh or extreme. So he can choose an appropriate skin to join with, and will appear the same on his computer and everyone else's.

2) No, if you use TCP for position packets, you are more likely to be disconnected from the host. The "game packets" that keep you in sync always use TCP. If you flood that system with position packets, and you have a bad connection, you may end up failing to maintain the game connection. The normal UDP packets can be lost without affecting your connection to the host.

Thank you so much! I am an total idiot, I see now that my game is on "TCP" on connection list. If I change to UDP I take it as I will have a bigger chance to be able to survive that lag

And about the spec-if-no-skin, that is something you are working on in a future patch yes? - Edit, ah just a host update nice!

Again, thanks for the help!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for that answer, just two more fast before I'll crawl back under the rock

1: Se above, about the skin(s) - possible (the one question about using LFSs skins intead of white)?
2: If I struggle with DCs, then TCP would be best choise? My problem is that every 10 minutes or so I get a 10-15 second net "lock". This is due to some router problem I have not yet discovered why, but never more than 15 seconds it seems. 50% of the times it goes ok, but other times I get back after the 15 seconds - see all the cars and everything is fine, but I still lose connection to server some seconds later. It seems as it has problems connecting to the server again.
Again, I should try TCP here?
The Very End
S3 licensed
I know this is completely retarded question, but what effects does it to change TCP to UDP on the connection list?
I did a brief search on google to find out what it does, but I am kind of confused how it will affect LFS..if any?

Scawen, would it be possible to make such that the game would chose one of the random colors instead of just plain white when the skin is not found?
Or maybe one of the skins that follow the game?
I would LOVE not having all those damned white cars
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Damn, this thing is nice! Love the music they fited on it!
The Very End
S3 licensed
So if this is the worst case scenario, how the heck would you prepare for that? How should the system "understand" how to work when the owner is not there to watch out for it anymore?

There probally are sollutions, but I am not into this thing so I have no clue Point here is that I think it's pretty serious, for all we know he can be at hospital or worse now, and then starting to worry about such a petty thing as a server .. well no - there are more important things in this world. Sure, I can see the aspect about paying money for this, but lets just find out first what has happend to him, and then take it from there ok?
The Very End
S3 licensed
I do not have photoshop, but I could allways try paint?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Don't know what kind of a thing it is in the background, but nice beers!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hope he is ok, I am starting to get worried for him
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :I watched Inception on Sunday.
It's a pretty good movie.

Better late then never 'aye?
It's an good movie indeed!
The Very End
S3 licensed
I agree with Logi here, usually the people you meet out on town / party / when drunk or whatever turns out to be short lived romances. But there are of course exceptions to this
The best is to search within the friends friend and so on, even tho it might not be as interesting at first sight
The Very End
S3 licensed
Agree with the parts Seni mention above.
And I would just like to point out that alltho I do not like drifting that much, I did really enjoy this movie

And the intro was great!